Duct cleaning

As a manager or owner of a business / establishment, you want to make sure that you and your employees work in a productive and secure environment. The indoor air quality of the premises acts directly on the health of its occupants such as headaches, sinus congestion, allergies, breathing problems ...

Office buildings with windows that can not be opened by occupants are referred to as "hermetic buildings". The construction of such buildings essentially responds to a logic of energy saving. To breathe, these hermetic buildings are equipped ventilation and air conditioning systems, designed to provide occupants with indoor air quality that meets comfort standards thermal, health and sanitation. To maintain their level of efficiency and ensure the occupants an adequate air quality and quantity.Ventilation and air conditioning systems must be subject to regular preventive maintenance by a qualified and competent person. It has been shown that the absence of preventive maintenance or inadequate maintenance of a system of ventilation not only reduces the efficiency of the system itself, but also the work performance of the occupants of the building by lack of aeration or as a result of microbial growth.

To maximize the efficiency and energy efficiency of your heating and cooling equipment, it is recommended that you clean your ventilation ducts at least every three years, or even more frequently in some cases.

In addition, cleaning your ducts greatly improves the quality of the air your occupants breathe. A good cleaning helps remove contaminants such as dust, allergen components, bacteria, microbes, molds, germs and more.

Performance Technique

  • Remote controlled robot inspection.
  • Suction / drive method to perform cleaning.
  • Cleaning done by section (zoning balloon).
  • Mechanical rotary brushing and pulse with compressed air.
  • Industrial vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter (99.97% filtration).
We follow procedures cleaning procedures NADCA (ACR2013)

Description of the work

  • Opening and installing access hatches.
  • Primary and secondary supply and return air ducts.
  • Deflectors and directional valves inside main ducts.
  • Fresh air intake.
  • Diffusers and return grids.
  • Ventilation units and heat exchangers.
  • Air chambers.
  • Evacuation systems.
  • Application of bactericide by vaporization inside the ducts.
  • Quality control and final inspection report.
  • Dryer outlets.